Guest speaker shares his story of Ukraine’s resilience and evolving strategies
17 March 2023
Norfolk, VA --
Colonel Hennadiy Kovalenko, also known as Colonel “H,” visited NWDC on Tuesday, March 17, 2023 where he shared Ukraine’s resilience and strategy during the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian armed conflict. From the onset of the invasion, Col H has served in both operational and support roles. Recently, he has been responsible for coordinating international support and assistance within the framework of the Multinational Joint Commission (MJC) for Military Cooperation and Defence Reform.
During his visit to NWDC, Col H said, “Unity of the democracies is crucial for perpetual support of Ukraine in order to win the war and to maintain resilience.” He highlighted the unprovoked Russian aggression against Ukraine, asserting that the “Russian-Ukrainian War calls for a new global security architecture and for reconsidering the roles of International/Regional/Sub-regional organizations.” He conveyed the importance of Ukraine’s post-war structural redevelopment and economic recovery for maintaining stability within the region. Col H concluded his brief with a heartfelt “thank you” to the United States for its continued support.