Command professionals work to innovate, improve capabilities, develop courses of action, train the fleet, enhance tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs), analyze operations, and foster cross-domain integration.
Identifies future capabilities based on challenges and opportunities.
Explores the effects of proposed warfighting capabilities.
War Games
Explores decision making possibilities and captures human insights.
Operational-Level Training and Exercises
Provides fundamental principles guiding military forces.
Navy Doctrine
Provides fundamental principles guiding military forces.
Fleet Lessons
Improves readiness by sharing fleet observations and experience.
Studies and Analysis
Health Services
Red Cell
Leverage Information-Related Capability (IRC) to deliver robust Red Cell and IO Cell participation in experiments and capabilities and to conduct Red Cell alternative analysis.
Lead facilitator and integrator of advanced cross-domain warfighting solutions to address existing and emerging warfighting problems at all levels of naval warfare.